Macro- and micromorphological features of genetic horizons in a solonetzic soil complex at the Dzhanybek Research Station


The comparative analysis of macro- and microfabrics of soil horizons in a trench crossing a solonetzic soil complex on a virgin plot has shown incomplete correspondence between the macro- and micromorphological features. Solonetzic and solodic horizons and features are differently manifested in different types of soils. The soils of the complex are subjected to continuous transformation dictated by the general trend of the landscape evolution in the Caspian Lowland and by the local changes related to the activity of burrowing animals and fluctuations in the groundwater level. The current trends of evolutionary changes are reflected in the soil microfabrics and salt pedofeatures, whereas more ancient processes are recorded in the properties of the clayey plasma. In the soil of the microlow, the most complete correspondence between the macro- and micromorphological features is observed. At the microlevel, the horizons of this soil resemble the humus-accumulative and metamorphic horizons of dark-colored chernozem-like soils of vast mesodepressions. A variant of the soil evolution within the solonetzic complex is discussed.

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Correspondence to M. P. Lebedeva-Verba.

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Original Russian Text © M.P. Lebedeva-Verba, M.I. Gerasimova, 2009, published in Pochvovedenie, 2009, No. 3, pp. 259–272.

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Lebedeva-Verba, M.P., Gerasimova, M.I. Macro- and micromorphological features of genetic horizons in a solonetzic soil complex at the Dzhanybek Research Station. Eurasian Soil Sc. 42, 237–250 (2009).

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  • Trench
  • EURASIAN Soil Science
  • Humus Horizon
  • Micromorphological Feature
  • Solonetzic Horizon