The Structure of Plant Communities of Fallow Land in the System of Protective Forest Plantations in Dry Steppes


The article presents data on the species composition and coenotic structure of the plant commu-nities of 20-year-old fallow grasslands in the system of protective forest plantations. It was found that the speed of successional dynamics depends on the distance from protective forest plantations.

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Correspondence to K. N. Kulik.

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Original Russian Text © K.N. Kulik, A.M. Pugacheva, 2015, published in Aridnye Ekosistemy, 2015, Vol. 21, No. 4(65), pp. 135–148.

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Kulik, K.N., Pugacheva, A.M. The Structure of Plant Communities of Fallow Land in the System of Protective Forest Plantations in Dry Steppes. Arid Ecosyst 6, 63–69 (2016).

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  • fallow lands, succession, phytocoenosis, species composition of communities, ecological-coenotic characteristics