Specific features of the morphology and chemical properties of coarse-textured postagrogenic soils of the southern taiga, Kostroma oblast


The properties of loamy sandy postagrogenic soils in the course of their natural overgrowing were studied in the southeastern part of Kostroma oblast. Micromorphological indications of tillage were preserved in these soils at least 35–40 years after the cessation of their agricultural use. In the course of the soil overgrowing with forest vegetation, the bulk density of the upper part of the former plow horizon decreased, the pH and the ash content of the litter horizon somewhat lowered with a simultaneous increase in the acidity of the upper mineral horizon, especially at the beginning of the formation of the tree stand. In 5–7 years after the cessation of tillage, the former plow horizon was differentiated with respect to the organic carbon content. The total pool of organic carbon in the upper 30 cm increased. In the course of the further development, in the postagrogenic soil under the 90to 100-year-old forest, the organic carbon pool in this layer became lower. The soil of the young fallow (5–7 years) was characterized by the higher values of the microbial biomass in the upper mineral horizon in comparison with that in the plowed soil. In general, the microbial biomass in the studied postagrogenic ecosystems (the soils of the fields abandoned in 2005 and 2000 and the soil under the secondary 40-year-old forest) was lower than that in the soil of the subclimax 90to 100-year-old forest. The enzymatic activity of the soils tends to increase during the succession. The restoration of the invertase and, partly, catalase activities to the values typical of the soils under mature forests takes place in about 40 years.

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Original Russian Text © V.M. Telesnina, I.E. Vaganov, A.A. Karlsen, A.E. Ivanova, M.A. Zhukov, S.M. Lebedev, 2016, published in Pochvovedenie, 2016, No. 1, pp. 115–129.

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Telesnina, V.M., Vaganov, I.E., Karlsen, A.A. et al. Specific features of the morphology and chemical properties of coarse-textured postagrogenic soils of the southern taiga, Kostroma oblast. Eurasian Soil Sc. 49, 102–115 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1134/S1064229316010117

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  • postagrogenic soils
  • fallow soils
  • carbon
  • biological activity
  • succession
  • enzymatic activity of soil