
© 2008

New Trends in Soil Micromorphology

  • Selim Kapur
  • Ahmet Mermut
  • Georges Stoops

Table of contents

  1. Front Matter
    Pages I-XIII
  2. Marcello Pagliai, Miroslav Kutilek
    Pages 5-18
  3. Sergey Sedov, Elizabeth Solleiro-Rebolledo, Scott L. Fedick, Teresa Pi-Puig, Ernestina Vallejo-Gómez, María de Lourdes Flores-Delgadillo
    Pages 19-37
  4. Jaume Boixadera, Montserrat Antúnez, Rosa Maria Poch
    Pages 39-65
  5. G. Stoops, M. Gérard, O. Arnalds
    Pages 67-89
  6. A. Heidari, S. Mahmoodi, G. Stoops
    Pages 137-150
  7. Maria Gerasimova, Marina Lebedeva
    Pages 151-162
  8. Marie-Agnès Courty, Alex Crisci, Michel Fedoroff, Kliti Grice, Paul Greenwood, Michel Mermoux et al.
    Pages 211-236
  9. He Xiubin, Bao Yuhai, Hua Lizhong, Tang Keli
    Pages 237-252
  10. Back Matter
    Pages 273-276

About this book


The soil water retention curve, the saturated hydraulic conductivity and the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function are basic soil hydraulic functions and parameters. Ample apprehension of the soil hydraulic functions and parameters is required for a successful formulation of the principles leading to sustainable soil management, agricultural production and environmental protection. From these, all the other parameters, required in the solution of the practical tasks, are derived. The basic soil hydraulic functions are strongly dependent upon the soil porous system. The development of models is characteristic by the gradual transition from the simplest concepts up to the sophisticated approaches, which should correspond to the visual reality studied by soil micromorphology. 2 Soil Porous System and Soil Micromorphometry 2.1 An Overview on the Quantification of the Soil Porous System Quanti? cation of the soil porous system consists of classi? cation of soil pores, ch- acterization of the soil pores shapes and the estimation of the pore size distribution function. When the hydraulic functions of the soil pores are considered, the following laws of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics are applied as best ? tting to the classi? cation criteria of the size of the pores (Kutilek and Nielsen 1994, p. 20, Kutilek 2004): A. Submicroscopic pores that are so small that they preclude clusters of water molecules from forming ? uid particles or continuous water ? ow paths.


Archeology Humus Rock magnetism Sediment Soil Science Soil microscopy chemistry classification ecology environment evolution fabric forest geology soil

Editors and affiliations

  • Selim Kapur
    • 1
  • Ahmet Mermut
    • 2
  • Georges Stoops
    • 3
  1. 1.Department of Soil and ArchaeometryUniversity of CukorovaAdanaTurkey
  2. 2.Dept. Soil ScienceUniversity of SaskatchewanSaskatoon SK S7N 5A8Canada
  3. 3.Dept. Geology & Soil SciencesGhent University9000 GentBelgium

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