There is a Council on defending dissertations D 006.053.01 at the V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute. Theses for obtaining PhD and Dr.Sc. degree are accepted on the following speciality
03.02.13 – soil science, agricultural sciences
06.01.02 – reclamation, remediation and protection of soils, agricultural sciences
The Order of Federal Service on supervision in the sphere of education and science at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from 02.04.2010 No.766-283
The theses prepared by postgraduate students and persons working for Dr.Sc. degree of this Institute as well as those prepared by specialists from the other organizations are accepted for the defense on the above speciality.
The questions concerning the work of this Council may be addressed to Lyubimova Irina Nikolaevna, Dr. Sc. (Agriculture), secretary of the Council.
Phone: (495) 953-77-25, e-mail:
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