Long-term changes in the area of saline soils recognized by LANDSAT images in Shauldersk irrigated massive
I. Yu. Savin1, A. Otarov2, A. V. Zhogolev1, M. A. Ibraeva2, S. Duseikov2
1V. V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2Kazakh U. Uspanov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Possibilities to use the archive images obtained by Landsat TM5 in different years have been comprehensively analyzed with the aim at recognizing the soils with different salinity degree. Special approaches were proposed to study the dynamics of saline soils by using the satellite imagery. Based upon a computer analysis of the information transmitted by Landsat in 1987-1988 and 2009-2010 as well as the data of field soil survey, it seemed reasonable to identify changes in the area of such soils in Shauldersk irrigated massive (the South-Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan). It was concluded that the share of saline soils revealed an increase at the studied territory within the period from 1987 to 2010.
Keywords: decoding of soil salinity, monitoring over the soil salinity, Landsat data, Shauldersk irrigated massive.
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