V. I. Kiryushin
1Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Russian Federation, 127550, Moscow, Timiryazevskaya st., 49
2V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 119017, Russia, Moscow, Pyzhevskii 7, bld. 2
The tasks and objectives relating to the optimization of the environment conservation involve the determination of biotope sensibility, valuation and forecast of the landscape sustainability, excessive anthropogenic loads, assessment of ecological risks and possible adverse consequences, analysis of conflicts, choice of methods for protection and development of the territory, determination of proportions between the agricultural lands and priority trends in land use, compromise decision-making and elaboration of methods to bring in correspondence the interests of land owners. These tasks are solved on the basis of functional analysis of landscape. The major ecological functions are the following: bioecological (biotopic and biocenotic, bioproduced, bioenergetic, biogeochemical, concentrated, oxidation-reduced, destructed, activated-inhibited, sanitary); atmospheric (gaseous, heat exchanged, hydroatmospheric); lithospheric (relief-forming, lithological); hydrological and hydrogeological ones. Based upon the identification and assessment of ecological functions of landscapes the social-economic functions are determined to meet the requirements of the human society.
Keywords: functional analysis, landscape planning, projecting of agrolandscapes.
1. Agroecological assessment of land, design of adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture and agrotechnologies. Methodical handle-duction, Eds. Kiryushin V.I., Ivanov A.L., Moscow, 2005. 761 p.
2. Volkov S.N. Land Management, Moscow, 2001, T. 1, pp. 10.
3. Dobrovol'skii G.V., Nikitin E.D. The functions of soils in the biosphere and ecostems, Moscow, 1990, 259 p.
4. Dokuchaev V.V. Our steppes before and now, SPb., 1892, p. 117.
5. Zonn S.V. On the state of the problem of soil classification by the end of the twentieth century, Pochvovedenie, 1999, No. 12, pp. 1521–1525.
6. Kiryushin V.I. The theory of adaptive-landscape agriculture and projection of agricultural landscapes, Moscow, 2011. p. 73.
7. Kolbovskii E.Yu. Landscape, Moscow, 2007, p. 4
8. Landscape planning with elements of engineering biology, Ed. Drozdova A.V., Moscow, 2006. 239 p.