V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute

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To the problem of studying the effects of degradation and hazardous natural processes on agricultural lands in Russia

V. V. Razumov1, E. N. Molchanov1, N. V. Razumova2, V. V. Bratkov3

1V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, 119117, Russia, Moscow, Pyzhevskii 7, bld. 2
2OAO “Russian Space Systems”, 111250, Russia, Moscow, Aviamotornaja Street, 53, bld. 1
3Moscow state university of geodesy and cartography, 105064, Russia, Moscow, Gorokhovsky, 4

Under discussion are the results of systematization and comprehensive analysis of different literature sources containing the information on degradation and dangerous natural processes at the Asian territory of the Russian Federation. The degradation and adverse natural processes are divided into 3 groups according to their hazard extent: (a) processes oriented to destroy the soils and lands, (b) processes changing the soil cover pattern and leading to degradation of soils and decreasing their fertility; (c) processes deteriorating the land productivity. The assessment is given to show the distribution and dangerous occurrence of degradation and adverse natural processes in the Asian part of Russia (gully erosion, destruction of seashores and banks of water bodies, change in river channels and floodplains, underground flood, heavy rainfalls, flooding). The distribution and dangerous manifestation of adverse processes is highly varying at the studied territory in dependence on peculiar natural-climatic conditions. The paper presents the plans to continue such studies at the territory of European Russia in 1916 and their further development at the total country’s territory within the framework of the project “Transformation, evolution and degradation of soils due to agrogenesis and global climate changes”. The solution of the problem envisaged in this project is of primary importance in order to solve the social-economic tasks and objectives facing the country as well as to strengthen the Institute’s position as a leading centre in the given field of soil science.

Keywords: soil map, database, system of scales and criteria, monitoring, thematic maps, GIS-technologies, regionalization, complex of measures.


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