I. S. Kozubenko
Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, Russia, 107139, Moscow, Orlikov per., 1/11
The Analytical Centre of Russain Ministry of Agriculture was created in 2017 to increase the management quality of Russian agro-industrial complex of Russia, prepare of objective and valid information on the agriculture development for Ministry and country superiors. The main purpose of creation of this center was to integrate all state information resources on the country's agro-industrial complex, to create a unified automated system for collecting and analyzing the data on the state of Russian agriculture and infrastructure, forecasting the development of agro-food markets. Within the framework of the center creation, the Unified Federal Informational system on the agricultural lands and lands, which are used or provided for agriculture among other lands, was created. The information on soils is the important part of this system. In addition to information on soils collected by agro-chemical services of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, the main source of data at the state and regional levels is the Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia. On the basis of the register, with the use of information on the terrain and climate of the country's territory, a database with a priori information on the resource potential of the Russian lands has been created in the Unified Federal Information System. It includes data on the rating assessment of the federation subjects and municipalities on the potential fertility of soils and the share of unfavorable lands, used in agriculture. It also includes a generalized assessment of the soils and lands quality for agricultural production, a rating for the quality of land for cultivation of certain crops, and data on the ranking of climatically subjects potentially possible yields of major crops. A more detailed information about the soils in the analytical center will be needed in future for the land classification of particular agricultural lands.
Keywords: soil resources, soil assessment, availability, land use efficiency
DOI: 10.19047/0136-1694-2018-92-3-15
Citation: Kozubenko I.S. Soil information in the analytical center of the ministry of agriculture of Russia, Dokuchaev Soil Bulletin, 2018, Vol. 92, pp. 3-15. doi: 10.19047/0136-1694-2018-92-3-15
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