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Palevye soils with a bleached horizon developing from carbonate-free rocks in the Classification System of Russian Soils


T. V. Ananko, D. E. Konyushkov, M. I. Gerasimova

V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Pyzhevskii per. 7, Moscow, 119017 Russia 

The position of palevye soils with differentiated profiles and with podzolized horizons developing from carbonate-free rocks under conditions of the cold sharply continental semihumid climate in the permafrost zone of Central Siberia in the New Russian Classification system is analyzed. The profile of these soils consists of the raw-humus horizon, bleached podzolic or eluvial horizon, and iron-illuvial or clay-illuvial horizon with some features typical of the metamorphic pale soils. According to the character of their middle-profile horizons, they can be attributed to the orders of Al–Fe-humus soils (sandy and loamy sandy varieties) and texture-differentiated soils (loamy sandy and clay loamy varieties). According to the character of their organic profiles, they can be separated as raw-humus subtypes among podzols and podzolic soils, respectively. Their specific regional characteristics - a tendency for the formation of a cryohumus horizon, clay illuviation, iron illuviation, and specific pale metamorphism of the mineral mass (pale metamorphized) (clay-illuvial subtype) - are also reflected at the subtype level. These characteristics can be present in different combinations reflected in the corresponding names of complex subtypes. In the geographical space, these soils form a transition from typical pale soils of the cold ultracontinental semiarid climate to the soils of cold moderately continental humid climate.

Keywords: profile-genetic approach, soils of sharply continental permafrost area, palevye (pale) soils, podzolized pale soils.

Ссылки для цитирования: Ананко Т.В., Герасимова М.И., Конюшков Д.Е. Палевые почвы с осветленным горизонтом на бескарбонатных породах в классификации почв России // Бюл. Почв. ин-та им. В.В. Докучаева. 2017. Вып. 87. С. 22-38.  doi: 10.19047/0136-1694-2017-87-22-38

T.V. Ananko, D.E. Konyushkov, M.I. Gerasimova. Palevye soils with a bleached horizon developing from carbonate-free rocks in the classification System of Russian Soils, Byulleten Pochvennogo instituta im. V.V. Dokuchaeva, 2017, Vol. 87, pp. 22-38. doi: 10.19047/0136-1694-2017-87-22-38


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