E. A. Levchenko, D. N. Kozlov, M. A. Smirnova, T. N. Avdeeva (P. 3-26)
I. A. Fastovets, A. D. Kotel’nikova, O. B. Rogova, N. I. Sushkov, D. S. Volkov, M. A. Proskurnin, Ye. B. Pashkevich (P. 27-46)
Change in aggregate structure of various soil types during the succession of abandoned lands
Yu. I. Baeva, I. N. Kurganova, V. O. Lopes de Gerenyu, L. A. Ovsepyan, V. M. Telesnina, Yu. D. Tsvetkova (P. 47-74)
The distribution of minerals in eluvio-iluvial horizon of agro soddy-podzolic soil
N. P. Chizhikova, E. B. Skvortsova, E. B. Varlamov, N. A. Churilin, A. E. Churilina, K. N. Abrosimov, A. V. Yudina, K. A. Romanenko (P. 75-95)
E. B. Varlamov, N. P. Chizhikova, M. P. Lebedeva, N. A. Churilin (P. 96-121)
The multifunctional role of protective forest plantations
V. I. Erusalimskii, V. A. Rozhkov (P. 122-138)
The soils as the natural cultural heritage, the bank of biodiversity and information
E. D. Nikitin, E. B. Skvortsova, E. P. Sabodina (P. 139-159)